The school day ends at 2:55 this year. If your elementary child is a walker or pick up they will be taken to the cafateria at 2:45 for pick up. Buses will leave campus at 3:00. Any changes in your child's after school routine needs to be made by 2:20 by calling the elementary office.
over 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Anyone wanting to have a 3 year old screened for services in pre-k this year needs to come to the school on August 9 between 9:00 and Noon.
over 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Congratulations to Leetha Pitts @canadian_ps. 1 of 22 classroom teachers to be awarded an SDE grant to be used for supplies, materials and/or equipment for their classroom to improve instruction in mathematics and for English learners.
over 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Students currently enrolled can pick up their schedules on August 8 from 9:30-1:00. Locker assignments for JH & HS are assigned by office.
over 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
The School supply list for junior high students has been added to the school's website. It can be found under Documents > Parents> Junior High Supply List.
over 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
‪There will be a High School cheer meeting at 6:00 on Tuesday July 16 in the high school gym. All interested should attend. The JH cheers will meet the same day at 5:00 in the high school gym.‬
over 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Coach Tucker will be having a baseball team meeting Tonight at 7:00 pm at the baseball field. All interested players should attend.
over 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
No summer school Monday May 27. It is Memorial Day.
over 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Pickup and drop off times for summer school: Piney Creek 7:25am/2:50pm Pixie Woods 7:30am/2:45pm C&C 7:35am/2:40pm
over 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Remember HS football begins tomorrow 3:30-5:30 bottom gym. Any questions contact coach Jackson. Go Cougars!
over 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
FFA Group Pictures tomorrow April 24th during 5th hour. Bring Official Dress and jackets if you have them.
over 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
The district baseball games have been moved to 3 and 5 today. Thank you.
over 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
FFA Picture Day April 24th during 5th hour Bring jackets/official dress and change during lunch.
over 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Softball districts have been moved to Thursday at 2:00. Games are at Strother. Thank you!
over 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Baseball games have been moved to home today at 4:30. Varsity will play first and then junior varsity after. Thank you!
almost 6 years ago, Mike Broyles
Softball time change for today: JH will play at 2:30 followed by a HS double header with Pittsburg and Savanna. Games at Pittsburg.
almost 6 years ago, Mike Broyles
JH baseball at Kinta tomorrow has been cancelled. The HS team will stay play Kinta at 4:30. Thank you.
almost 6 years ago, Mike Broyles
The HS baseball game today in the Pitt 8 tournament will now start at 4:00 pm. Thank you !
almost 6 years ago, Mike Broyles
The softball tournament at Dewar has been completely cancelled. The field conditions are unplayable. Thank you.
almost 6 years ago, Mike Broyles
The HS/ JH baseball game scheduled for today against Quinton has been cancelled. Thank you.
almost 6 years ago, Mike Broyles