The Junior High weightmeet for tomorrow has been cancelled. The high school weightmeet for Friday is still scheduled to take place. Thank you !
almost 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Canadian Public Schools will be closed today. Stay safe and use the time to get well! Thank you !
almost 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
February 6 the 1st grade classes will play basketball during halftime of the girls basketball game. The 1st graders that are going to participate need to be on the stage during the 2nd quarter to get ready. That same night during halftime of the boys game the 2nd graders will play basketball. Get with your child’s teacher for more details. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Reminder: blue & gold money and orders due tomorrow Feb 4th to Mrs Hitchcock. Thank you !
almost 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
This week is Basketball Homecoming week: Dress Up Days for Homecoming Week Monday- USA Day Tuesday- Jersey Day Wednesday- Camo Day Thursday- Twin Day Friday- Spirit Day Homecoming will be against Wetumka Friday. Homecoming starts at 6:00. Boys will play at 6:30.
almost 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
The Pre-K students will play basketball games tomorrow night at Indianola. PreK and Kindergarten are coed games and they will wear class tshirts. 1st and 2nd girls will play together and they will have to wear some of our elementary uniform tops then 1st and 2nd boys will be the same as 1st and 2nd girls. Prek students will need to be at the gym by 5:40. Kindergarten students will need to be there by 6:00. 1st and 2nd girls need to be there by 6:20 and 1st 2nd boys need to be there by 6:40. See attached for more information!
almost 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Memo basketball
The Canadian Girls basketball team will play for the Consolation Championship in the Pitt 8 tournament today at Noon. Today’s games will be played at Hartshorne High School. Thank you !
almost 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
The Junior High Basketball game against Frink Chambers has been moved to Tuesday January 28. First game starts at 5:00 pm. Thank you !
almost 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
The Canadian boys basketball team will play in the semi-finals of the Pitt 8 Tournament at Indianola tonight at 8:00 pm. The seating suggestions are attached to this message. Thank you !
almost 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Canadian Visitor Side Seating
Congratulations to our four students who will be performing with the EOBDA Honor Band on January 20 in Stigler. They are: Angel Ashley - 1st chair flute Taya Sloan - 3rd chair flute McKenzie Loma - 6th chair clarinet Timberlyn Mullins - 2nd chair tuba
almost 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Just a quick reminder, there will be no school for students on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day.
almost 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Busses have released and all student have been released unless the school has been contacted about pick up. Thank you
almost 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
As we were preparing to release, a tornado warning was issued. We are sheltering in place in the storm shelters until this threat passes. We will alert you through this app when we release for the day. Thank you !
almost 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Canadian Boys 🏀 will play Okay today at 2:30 in the Warner Tournament. The Canadian Girls 🏀 will play host Warner tonight at 7:00 in the Warner Tournament. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Schedule update: Junior High Basketball will play Haywood tomorrow at Canadian at Noon. Thank you!
about 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Jostens in school order days are complete.  If your student has not ordered their Cap & Gown, please order at or over the phone at  1-800-567-8367
about 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
All bus routes except Tina’s route could be up to 15 minutes behind schedule due to a jack knifed semi by the school. Sorry for the inconvenience.
about 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
HS Basketball game against Quinton originally scheduled for tomorrow night has been MOVED to Saturday February 8th. Thank you!
about 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Elementary Christmas program is tomorrow evening at 6:30 in gym. Students need to be in their classrooms by 6:00. Parents will need to go classrooms after program to checkout students. Santa Clause will also be there before the program to see children from 5:00-6:00
about 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Lainey Hightower placed 4th in the Oklahoma AFR State Speech Contest! Congratulations Lainey, Mrs. Hitchcock and the Canadian FFA.
about 5 years ago, Mike Broyles
Lainey FFA Speech Contest